homogeneous Markov chain

美 [ˌhoʊməˈdʒiːniəs 'mɑrkɔf tʃeɪn]

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  1. The mutual independence and wide meaning Bernoulli's test rank is a simple homogeneous Markov chain.
  2. The Application of Homogeneous Markov Chain and Its Realization Based on Matlab
  3. Applying the homogeneous finite markov chain, the means of the simple genetic algorithm limit analysis is given, the conclusions that the simple genetic algorithm ( SGAS) is not global convergent and the maintaining optimum SGAS ( MOSGAS) is global convergent are drawn.
  4. Then the non global convergence of simple genetic algorithm ( SGA), and the global convergence of ( OMSGA) are proved by use of homogeneous finite Markov chain.
  5. In chapter two, the basic knowledges of finite state automata and finite homogeneous Markov chain are introduce.
  6. Finally, the genetic operation of AGA is analyzed carefully. It shows AGA can be described as a homogeneous Markov chain.
  7. Fast Decide for the Ergodic Property of Finite Homogeneous Markov Chain
  8. A city's yearly water consumption is a homogeneous Markov chain.
  9. In this paper, we study a homogeneous finite Markov chain with recurrence se-quence of number, getting the sume consequences as "statistical mechanics" ( by T. D. Lee).
  10. The crucial technologies including the reachability set algorithm of the stochastic Petri net model, the constitution of the homogeneous Markov chain, and the computation of the steady state probability are implemented.
  11. AHP and Time Homogeneous Markov Chain
  12. Computation of Period for Homogeneous Finite Markov Chain
  13. The premiums and claims satisfy the binomial distribution, and the interest rate is time homogeneous Markov chain.
  14. The strict mathematical definitions are given for the state and state-space of the artificial bee and artificial bee colony and one-step transition probability of artificial bee colony. The state transition process of artificial bee colony is proved to be a finite homogeneous Markov chain process.
  15. Then the online EM algorithm is also given when the assumption of hidden states changes into second-order homogeneous Markov chain.
  16. Through choosing appropriate random variables, four dimensional Markov chain, which is proved that it is a homogeneous Markov chain with finitely-many levels of GI/ M/ 1 type, is constructed.